MCT Group specializes in the design, development and manufacture of advanced precision, high quality, low cost plastic injection tooling. We can manufacture tooling for such diverse markets as: Electrical connector, Aerospace, Automotive, Medical, Electronic Packaging, Agricultural and many more.
Lead times can be as short as 10 days.
Injection Mold 01
Injection Mold 02
Injection Mold 03
Injection Mold 04
Mold flow (1)
Mold flow (2)
Mold flow (1)
Mold flow (1)
Once an order is placed with MCT Ltd. A very detailed Design For Manufacture (DFM) report is produced and sent to the customer for evaluation, feed back and approval.
Each DFM will contain suggested product changes to avoid quality issues and prolong the tool life.
We can deal with 3D data and drawings in iges, step here parasolid and dxf formats.
After the DFM has been agreed a comprehensive 3D CAD tool design is constructed and reviewed in detail by our engineering team amended where appropriate and then sent to our customer for approval.
View All Prodouts Get a quotation quicklyMCT insists that each stage of the tooling manufacture is strictly controlled by the QA technicians.
After each operation the steel is inspected. Every electrode fully certified before use.
High quality tool steels will be chosen that are appropriate for each tool design. These materials will be specified on your quotation.
View All Prodouts Get a quotation quicklyCNC3